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Resisting Temptation: Sullivan Brothers Book 2 - Dane's Story Read online

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  She held his gaze. Her heart fluttered. She could get used to his compliments. She downplayed the seriousness of his praise. “Wow, only this room?”

  He grinned. “I was gonna say the world, but I thought that might be pushing it.”

  His smile was contagious, and she laughed. Dane was easy-going. She liked that.

  “I’m sorry you don’t know anyone here,” he told her. “I hope you don’t feel left out.”

  “Honey, I haven’t entered a room yet that I can’t work. I talk to people for a living.”

  “What do you do?”

  “I’m a coach.”

  One of his thick eyebrows jumped. “Really? Me too. What’s your sport?”

  “I’m a life skills coach. I help clients achieve their dreams.”

  “I’m a college football coach. I help young men achieve their dreams.”

  Charly thought about her son, Diego. He was interested in football too. If not for that, the boy wouldn’t bother to keep his grades up. His behavior was another problem.

  “Dane!” Charly heard a booming voice from across the room. A man holding hands with a stunning woman waved and began walking toward them.

  “That’s my brother, Mark,” Dane explained. “And my sister-in-law, Kendra.”

  “You and your brother look practically identical.”

  “Yeah, but I’m older. And wiser.”

  Charly laughed as the couple approached. Kendra was gorgeous. Her caramel skin contrasted beautifully with the classic, little black dress that fit her like a glove. Charly knew a fellow diva when she saw one.

  “Dane, you made it,” Kendra enthused, “and you brought a friend.”

  Dane made the introductions. “This is my date, Charly.”

  Kendra shook Charly’s hand. “Nice to meet you.”

  “You brought a date?” Mark asked, clearly shocked.

  “Is that a problem?” Dane answered.

  “Not for me, but it might be for the blind date I set you up with.”


  Out of earshot of the ladies, Dane bitched at Mark. “I can’t believe you had the nerve to set me up on a blind date. This sounds like something Cayson would do, not you.”

  Out of nowhere, Cayson appeared at Dane’s elbow, one hand holding a Pina Colada; the other stuffed into the pockets of his dark slacks. “Hey, I heard that. And yes, it was my idea. But Mark didn’t take much convincing.”

  Dane snorted. “What would possess you two boneheads to do this?”

  “We wanted you to get a sure thing.”

  Mark added, “Cayson and I picked Anita to be your date. She’s very sweet, and she’s only here for two more days.”

  Cayson grinned. “I’ll bet she knows how to scratch an itch.”

  Dane smirked. “As you can see, I already have a date. I don’t appreciate your meddling.”

  “Oh yeah,” Mark tossed an approving glance to where Charly stood across the room, “and she is one hell of a date. Almost as hot as my wife. But are you sure she’s a sure thing?”

  “Who I screw or don’t screw is none of your business, little bro.”

  “Jeez, alright already. Don’t get your panties in a wad.”

  Cayson joined in. “Now, we’ve got to find a way to let Anita down gracefully.”

  “We?” Dane was incredulous. “You got me into this mess. You can get me out.”

  “Fine. I’ll handle her.”

  Mark snickered. “Uh huh. I’ll bet you will.”

  Dane wished he could put both of his brothers in a headlock like he used to do when they were in grade school. He’d pretend to be a famous wrestler and vanquish both of their asses. “If you’ll excuse me, I’ve got a gorgeous woman to get back to.”

  Dane made his way back across the room to where Charly was in deep conversation with Kendra. He took his time, giving himself a moment to calm down. It was also an opportunity for him to get a look at Charly without her knowing. He watched as she laughed, her wide, sensual mouth adding to her exotic look. She tipped her head back, exposing the long column of her throat. The gesture was tempting enough to make even the most faithful man want to kiss the enticing flesh. She had an understated sexiness about her. He could tell she was shapely, but she didn’t show miles of skin like other women. She left something to the imagination, making him curious to know what kind of legs were hidden beneath the thin fabric of her long dress.

  At that moment, her eyes caught his and she flashed a smile that sent a jolt of excitement through him. It had been a long time since he’d felt any spark of attraction for a woman. Ironic, it would be a stranger he’d met thousands of miles from home.

  When he reached her side, she clasped his hand, the warmth heating his palm. “For a minute I thought you’d abandoned me for your blind date,” she joked.

  He stroked her hand. “It was a big misunderstanding. It’s all settled now.”

  Kendra threw an apologetic glance his way. “Sorry about that. You know your brothers only have the best of intentions.”

  Dane shrugged. The best of intentions. That was a universal euphemism for ‘I screwed up.’ His brothers were simply busy-bodies. It seemed ever since Nichole’s death, his family was on a mission to hook him up with women. As if his life was somehow lacking because he was a widower. Why couldn’t they understand he’d move on when he was good and ready?

  Kendra patted his arm. “Well, I apologize on behalf of Mark. You know this is out of character for him. Cayson, on the other hand–it’s business as usual for him.”

  “Thanks, Kendra.” Dane had no beef with his sister-in-law. She was a tough-as-nails business woman who always had kind a word for him. Plus, she had Mark’s back. He admired that.

  “I’d better check on the other guests,” Kendra said. “I’ll be back shortly.”

  Charly waited until Kendra was out of earshot before asking, “Are you okay? You seem upset.”

  He squeezed her hand assuredly. “I’m fine.” There was no way in hell he was going to tell her what was really on his mind. That was a sure way to end a date early–by talking about your dead wife. “I was worried about you,” he changed topics. “I hope you’re not offended.”

  “Why would I be offended? Because your brother tried to set you up with a date?” She shook her head, a rogue tendril slipping from the loose bun of hair. “That sounds like something Shontal would do. Our family has their own unique ways of looking out for us. Like Kendra said, no harm done.”

  Relief swept through his body. Embarrassing disaster avoided. “Thank you. Although, I guess this means we won’t get to see a catfight between you and Anita tonight.”

  She laughed. “Oh, I’ve already won this battle. In fact, I kinda feel bad for the woman. She’s missing out on a prime catch.”

  The appreciative gleam in her eyes made his heart thunder inside his chest. “You’re not the only winner tonight,” he said. “I consider myself damn lucky to have spotted your hat flying in the breeze today. If not for that, I might not be here with you.”

  The sweep of her long lashes was erotic as she slowly closed her eyes then opened them. She parted her glossed lips to say something when the band started playing Careless Whisper by George Michael. “Dance with me,” she entreated.

  She led him to the dance floor before he could respond. Good thing his mother had insisted on dance lessons when he was younger. At the time, he hated it. A fan of Disco, his mother wanted all of her boys to know how to dance. It was only when he became a grown man, forced to attend too many of Nichole’s company Christmas parties did he appreciate his mother’s demands.

  Charly’s fingers laced behind Dane’s neck, pulling him into the intimate circle of her embrace. His hands dropped to the small of her back. Instantly, they were pelvis to pelvis, swaying to the music. Their bodies moved as one unit, in sync with the rhythm. This was his comfort zone. He knew how to dance and he knew how to hold his partner. It had been too long since he’d held a woman in his arms this way. C
harly felt like she belonged right here with him. The scent of her perfume tickled his nose. Not too overpowering. Just like everything else about her. A raw but subtle sexiness. “You smell good,” he murmured.

  “Thank you.”

  He closed his eyes, mentally berating himself. Stupid. Stupid. Stupid. He sounded like Forrest Gump. You smell good, Jenny. He had to be better than that. A woman as classy as Charly needed to hear something original. She probably had guys coming at her from all directions on a daily basis. He didn’t want to sound like some hick from Texas.

  But you are a hick from Texas!

  “You’re a great dancer,” she complimented.

  His eyes flickered open. “Are you surprised?”

  “No. Delighted.” She leaned forward and whispered in his ear. “I’ve heard you can tell a lot about a man’s sexual prowess by the way he moves on the dance floor.”

  An image of Charly writhing beneath him in bed made the muscle between his legs stir to life. She pressed against him, and he couldn’t resist lowering his hand to rest on the curve above her backside. He was startled by his body’s reaction. Okay, so he was horny. Charly was a captivating woman. He still had a pulse, dammit.

  He pulled aback and stared into her smoldering gaze. “I haven’t had any complaints, yet,” he answered truthfully.

  She smiled. The subtle curve of her full lips made him wonder what they would feel like on his skin. Kissing his chest. Wrapped around his–

  “Let’s get out of here,” she suggested.

  Chapter 3

  The scenery of the Maldive Islands was breath-taking during the day. But at night, it became even more magical. The silver glow of the half-moon sprinkled the rolling waves of the ocean with sparkles of light. The ebb and flow of the tide was soothing enough to lull a grown man to sleep. The water lapped at Charly and Dane’s bare feet as they walked hand-in-hand along the shore. The ocean breeze swirled around Charly’s ankles, keeping the long hem of her dress from getting soaked. Dane had the luxury of rolling up his pant legs, and he was the official keeper of their sandals, which hung by their straps from his free hand.

  They encountered a few other couples as they strolled, but for the most part, they were alone, enjoying their privacy on a moon-lit strip of beach. They made small talk, chatting about movies, sports, and their favorite music. Charly was happy for the diversion. She wished she could capture this moment in one of those sand-filled bottles Shontal had bought and pull it out whenever she was stressed. With all the challenges she’d had this year, she never imagined herself in the Maldives being pampered for a whole week. It seemed like a fantasy. And she had the perfect Adonis by her side.

  Dane’s strong fingers entwined with hers as they walked. “Where are you from, Charly?”


  “Really? Where ‘bout?”

  She didn’t want to think about Texas right now and the pressures she had waiting at home. Reality TV didn’t have shit on her life. When she thought of Dane she wanted to remember only this beach and the warm temperatures and how fine he looked. Why people always wanted to share every detail of their lives was beyond her. “Let’s not cloud our time with specifics, Dane. All that matters is that we’re here with each other.”

  He stopped and pulled her against him. His green eyes captured hers as he gazed down at her. Lord, he was beautiful. “I can handle that,” he told her. “As long as you’re sure you’re not hiding anything from me.”

  She shook her head. “I’m a life skills coach. On vacation. I don’t drink. I don’t smoke. I’m harmless. What about you?”

  “No hidden secrets. I do drink and I don’t smoke–not since college anyway.” He grinned. “You don’t want to know about those days. Thankfully, they’re behind me for good.”

  She laughed. She had a clue of what he was smoking back then.

  “I’ve never been arrested,” he continued. “I’m pretty harmless too.”

  “And you’re obviously not married.”

  A painful shadow crossed his face, and she wondered if she’d touched a nerve. Dane started to say something, and then snapped his mouth shut before looking away. When he focused on her again seconds later, he had composed himself. “No, I’m not married.”

  Oh, hell no! She knew a play on words when she heard it. “Separated?” In her opinion, that was the same as being married. It gave men a chance to play the field while still being legally tethered to their spouse.

  “No, Charly. I’m not married. I’m not separated. I’m free to do as I please, and you don’t have to worry about any woman laying claim to me.”

  She nodded, believing him this time. Shit, everybody had baggage. Maybe he’d been through a life-shattering divorce that divided the family, like hers did with Cruz. No matter. She’d done her due diligence and asked. What else could a woman do? Part of her was selfish. She had this fine man all to herself with no strings attached. She deserved some pleasure. Some mind-blowing sex. Damn, she hoped he was as good as he looked. She threw caution to the wind. “Now, that we’ve cleared that up, what do you want to do?”

  “Kiss you.”

  Her stomach flip-flopped as Dane pulled the pins from her up-do. The strands tumbled to her shoulders, the curly ends gently lifted by the salt-air breeze.

  “Woman, you are beautiful.”

  He cupped her face and leaned low to capture her mouth. His tongue slid past her lips, invading the warmth of her mouth. Their tongues played in lazy circles, sweetly rolling into a tangle of flesh. A slow spiral of heat burgeoned between her legs, turning her knees to jelly. Her coochie throbbed as Dane suckled on her tongue. Her hands slipped around his midsection and clutched the hard muscles of his back for support. Damn, she wanted him! The kiss intensified and she lost all sense of time until a voice called out, “Get a room!”

  She pulled away in time to see a group of teens scamper past, kicking up sand as they ran. Their ribald giggles floated through the air as they pointed and jeered at the “dirty old couple” on the beach. Charly’s breathless laugh surprised her. She was usually in control of her reactions. Dane had her acting like a wanton hussy in public.

  He grabbed her waist and twirled her around twice before setting her down on the soft sand. “How selfish of me,” he said. “I’m doing what I want. What do you want to do?”

  She gazed into his hypnotic green eyes. Her body was humming for release. “Sounds like those kids had the right idea. Let’s get a room.”


  Secluded on the other side of the island, Dane’s water bungalow was an oversized slice of heaven. He had a spectacular view of the ocean, glimpsed between the transparent drapes that billowed in the breeze. Due to a law stipulating that no building could be taller than the palm trees on the island, most of the bungalows here were one-story. Initially, he’d balked at the idea of spending his week in a lavish villa on stilts over a lagoon. He was just a regular guy, more at home with beer than champagne. But now, he was glad he’d accepted Mark’s offer to upgrade to a villa. He wanted Charly to be impressed.

  “What is this?” she teased. “A bungalow suite? Somebody is livin’ large.”

  He chuckled. “I got a good deal.”

  “I’ll say.” She padded barefoot across the hardwood floors. “Oh, I’m getting sand on your floor!”

  Dane glanced at the remnants of sand coating her bare feet. “Don’t worry. I got this.” He swept her into his arms, enjoying the feel of her soft ass cradled in his arms. Her legs dangled over his forearms.

  She yelped in surprise. “I wasn’t prepared for that.”

  “I’m full of surprises.”

  “I like surprises.”

  He carried her to the bathroom where an enormous Jacuzzi tub sat near the window. He sat on the edge of the tub and balanced her on his lap before turning the faucet on.

  Charly giggled. “In case you were wondering, I already had a bath today.”

  “Not one given by me.”

  He pus
hed her long dress to her knees, his eyes absorbing every detail of her sexy legs. His palms slid past her shapely calves as he bent over and cupped water in his hands, gently washing the sand from her feet.

  She dropped her head against his shoulder. “Ooh,” she sighed. “That feels nice.”

  “Told you.”

  “Are you sure you’re not a professional foot washer?”

  “It never occurred to me until now.” He cleaned the sand between her pretty toes, smiling at the perfectly painted pink toenails.

  “I think you could have a very lucrative business.”

  “Of course, you would be my only customer.”

  “Of course.”

  He finished washing her feet, and then trailed his wet fingers up one of her bare calves. He marveled at the smooth skin. These had to be the softest legs he’d ever touched. “Damn,” he murmured low.

  Charly’s head whipped up. “What’s wrong?”

  “Nuthin’. All day, I’ve been fantasizing about what these legs looked like. This is my first time seeing them.”

  She flexed her toes, enhancing the shapely calf muscles. “And?” she prompted.

  “And I’m not disappointed. But there is one thing I am wondering about.”


  “How they would feel wrapped around me.”

  His eyes darted to hers, debating whether he’d gone too far. It had been a while since he’d romanced any woman. He didn’t want Charly to think he’d brought her here just to hit it and run. “I’m sorry,” he told her. “I didn’t mean–”

  “Dane,” she cut him off. “I have a confession to make.”

  Oh shit. He prepared himself for the worst. “Don’t tell me. You’re a man.”

  She thrust a fist on her hip. “Honey, does this body look like it belongs to a man?”

  He chuckled. “Hell no.”

  “Thank you!” She unbuttoned the top button of his shirt. When her fingers brushed against him, his skin pebbled with pleasure. “I know we said we wouldn’t discuss our lives. My life back home is hectic. I came here to let loose. Lose myself. Have earth-shattering sex with a stranger.” Her dark eyes feasted on him. Her voice was thick with desire. “I want you to be that man, Dane.”