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Resisting Temptation: Sullivan Brothers Book 2 - Dane's Story Read online

Page 10

  “Don’t play me, Zo.”

  Zo looked down, suddenly preoccupied with his track cleats. But Dane didn’t miss the look of shame in his eyes.

  “I saw the exchange,” Dane accused. “That guy is a steroid dealer.” He’d promised himself he would approach Zo with a cool head, but anger bubbled on the surface of his thoughts. “You don’t need that crap, Zo! Not to mention what will happen if you get caught. You’ve got your whole future ahead of you. Are you willing to throw it away?”

  His eyes locked with Dane’s, a shadow of remorse in his irises. “I haven’t taken any yet.”

  “Hand it over.” Dane held out his palm.

  Zo surrendered a tiny vial he pulled from his pocket.

  “Don’t check out on life, Zo. You don’t need drugs.”

  Zo’s eyes watered, but he kept the tears at bay. “There’s so much pressure. Even you said I had to get better. I need to be my best.”

  “You are your best. This,” he held up the vial, “is not your best. This is fake. It’s not reality. You can’t dope yourself up every time something isn’t perfect in life. I should know. When my wife died, there were days I didn’t want to get out of bed. But I didn’t take drugs. And I didn’t give up on myself. And I don’t want you to give up, either, Zo. I believe in you.”

  Zo was choked with emotion. “My mom is depending on me to go pro. I’m all she has.”

  Dane clapped a hand on Zo’s shoulder. “Listen to yourself, man. You said you’re all she has. What are you going to do when your career is ruined before it’s started? Or you have a fatal reaction to this stuff and die? What good would you be to her then?”

  “You’re right.”

  “I know I am. I wouldn’t steer you wrong, Zo. I’m just looking out for you.”

  A wistful grin escaped his lips. “I’ve never had anyone look out for me before.”

  “Well, you’ve got me. If I had a son, I’d want someone to do the same for him.”

  “You’ve been like a father to me, Coach. Too bad you don’t have any kids. You’d make a great dad.”

  Dane waved him away. “I’ve got plenty of kids. You students keep me busier than Old Mother Hubbard.”

  Zo nodded. “Thanks Coach. I promise, I won’t let you down. I won’t let myself down.”

  After Zo left, Dane stomped the vial of poison beneath his shoe and swept the remnants into the trash. As he sat at his desk in deep thought, his eyes wandered to the exact spot where he and Charly had unleashed their passions almost a month ago. They’d found no shortage of places to make love. He sighed. His life simply wasn’t the same without her. This feeling of loneliness was worse than when Nichole died. She was gone and there was nothing he could do about it. But Charly was still here, and he like a fool, was letting her slip away.

  He pulled out his cell phone. He was ready to grasp his chance at happiness.


  Charly watched Dane as he walked toward her. The teeming wildlife of the rainforest exhibit served as the backdrop behind him. When he’d asked her to meet him at the Downtown Aquarium, she was nervous. She drank in the sight of his tan slacks and pale blue cashmere sweater. She remembered the day she bought it for him. He’d joked that no man should wear goat hair. He looked fantastic in it today. As he neared, her eyes met his, and she noticed the faint shadows beneath them. Apparently, his nights had been as restless as hers.

  “I’m sorry,” they both blurted at the same time.

  Charly shook her head. “I was rude and insensitive. I’m sorry about how I reacted when you told me Nichole had passed. I was still in shock and disbelief. Please forgive me.”

  “I’m the one who should ask for forgiveness. Had I been up front with you, this would have never happened.”

  As they sat on a nearby bench, light from an adjacent fish tank played on Dane’s features. “I never meant to make you feel guilty about Nichole,” she told him. “I think perhaps I was jealous. I overreacted.”

  “You don’t ever have to feel jealous of any woman, Charly. My heart belongs to you.” He raised her hands to his lips and softly kissed her fingers. “The love I had for Nichole was intense. But I’m not still in love with her.” His green eyes searched hers, making her heart race. He clasped her hand in his. “I’m in love with you, Charly.”

  A flood of emotions swooshed through her. She couldn’t respond she was so taken off-guard. To think, she’d come to this meeting not sure where she stood with Dane. And now, to hear him say those words took the breath from her. This man had given her some of the best times of her life. She believe the few issues they’d had could be easily overcome. “I’ve known for quite some time that I love you, Dane. I think that’s why I tripped out the night I found out about Nichole. I don’t give my heart lightly.”

  He nodded. “I feel the same way. The reason I never dated was because I was afraid of getting caught up in another relationship. When you came along, my worst fears came true. I fell hard for you. I didn’t want you to be taken from me the way Nichole was.”

  “Oh Dane.” She squeezed his hand. “You can’t control things like that.”

  “I know. Cayson said the same thing. He said something about me letting my fear hold me hostage.”

  She nodded. “That’s the first smart thing Cayson has said since I’ve known him.”

  He flashed her a lopsided grin. “Don’t worry. He’s about as inconsistent as the weather in Texas. Today, he’ll impress you; tomorrow he’ll fail to have any redeeming qualities.”

  Charly smiled. “Don’t be too hard on him. He has his own way of doing things, and I can tell, he really does care about you. And so do I.”

  “So, what are we going to do about it?”

  “You’re going to let me love you, and you’re going to stop worrying about anything bad happening. The likelihood is that it will. We’ll just have to work through it.”

  “I admire how you can be so calm about this.”

  She laughed. “When you have to deal with two overly-sensitive Millennials who have a different crisis every day, you learn to embrace whatever calm you can find.”

  “That’s what I have to look forward to, huh? My days will be filled trying to calm the kids down?”

  “And your nights will be filled with raw, sensual excitement.” She wagged her eyebrows suggestively.

  He chuckled. “That alone is worth the sacrifice. Charlynda Malone, you’re one temptation I just can’t resist.”


  1 month later

  You Wanna Pizza Me? was undoubtedly the best pizza joint in Houston, if not the world. Dane tore into a piece of pepperoni with anchovies as he watched Diego and Joi argue about which car was faster, the Mustang Cobra or the Lamborghini.

  “Listen, dooface,” Diego told his sister, “the Cobra can reach speeds of two hundred and twenty miles an hour!”

  Joi rolled her eyes. “Only a moron would think a Mustang could beat a Lamborghini.”

  “You’re just a girl. What do you know?”

  “At least I don’t have football padding for brains.”

  She nudged him. He nudged her back.

  Dane devoured a mouthful of pizza before turning to Charly, who was sitting next to him in the booth. “Are they always like this?”

  “No.” She shook her head. “They’re polite around strangers and people they don’t like. So consider yourself liked.” She bit into her pizza with a vengeance, dripping tomato sauce onto her chin.

  Dane wiped her chin with his napkin, before her white blouse could be stained red. If they were alone, he would have taken his time and licked it off. The kids continued their playful insults, barely aware of the adults.

  “Wow. So I’m liked, huh?” he asked Charly. “Well, it’s a start.”

  She smiled before leaning over and whispering in his ear. “I love you, Dane Sullivan.”

  A feeling of warmth spread through him. He never thought he would find love again. He took a chance, opened his heart
, and let down his guard. And here he was, being loved. And the best part was it was reciprocal.

  He whispered back, “I love you too, Charly–even more.”

  She pursed her lips. “This is not a competition, y’know?”

  He grinned. “Yeah, ‘cause if it was, I’d be the winner.”

  “Hey Dane,” Diego interrupted, “you wanna see a picture of my new girlfriend?” Diego proudly passed his cell phone to Dane. A selfie of Diego with his arms wrapped around a beautiful young girl blazed on the screen.

  “You have good taste, Diego. She’s a looker.”

  The boy grinned. “Just like Mom.”

  Proud soared in Dane’s heart as he stroked Charly’s knee beneath the table. “I can’t argue with that,” he agreed. “Your mom is the most beautiful woman I’ve had the joy of meeting.”

  “You coach track and football, right?”


  “Maybe you can give me some pointers for track.”

  “What’s your event?”

  “The one hundred.”

  “No sweat. I’d be happy to coach you.”

  Diego’s eyes lit up. “Alright! Thanks, dude.”

  Charly corrected him. “It’s Dane.”

  “Sorry, man. I mean, Dane.”

  They all laughed. They were still getting used to each other. Charly’s kids kept him on his toes. And Charly–well, he kept her off her toes.

  “Does this place have Wi-Fi?” Joi asked, holding her cell phone in the air for a signal.

  “No,” Dane answered.

  “What kind of restaurant is this?” Joi demanded.

  “The kind with no Wi-Fi. You guys spend too much time with your eyes glued to those phones anyway. We’re having family time tonight.”

  Diego and Joi burst out laughing. “Oh yeah,” Diego said. “That sounds exactly like something Mom would say. You two are made for each other!”

  The two teens hi-fived each other. “Good one!” Joi praised her brother.

  Charly beamed at Dane. “This is the first time my kids have ever agreed on anything. And it’s all thanks to you. Already I see the benefits of having you around. We’re gonna be just fine.”



  Wait a minute. Were you thinking this was over much too soon? Well after all, it is a short story. But don’t fret. I’ve got more plans for the Sullivan Brothers. Look for the other books in the “Resisting” series. Resisting Cupid is the story of Mark and Kendra. Resisting Destiny features Cayson Sullivan and Destiny Jackson. Look for it in mid-March.

  For more of my books, visit my website at www.ChantaRand.com

  Other Books by Chanta Jefferson Rand





  Short stories